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Be a part of collecting important information for future books, seminars, podcasts and articles! Participate by taking a short survey so that our knowledge can grow about women in the context of the military and how best to minister to them!
Christian Women & The Military-Top 5 Temptation (2018)
Christian Women & The Military-Top 5 Temptation (2018)
Please take a moment to fill out the survey below.
Topics of Interest-A Biblical Perspective(2018)
Topics of Interest-A Biblical Perspective(2018)
Please take a moment to fill out the survey below.
Get Training
Are you interested in growing in your ability to faithfully minister God’s Word and apply it to the problems people face? Consider learning at one of these training events from those who are committed to the sufficiency of Scripture, and ministering the hope and help that are only found in Christ.
What's Cooking?
Yes, I am a veteran, and a biblical counselor…But I’ve also got to eat and feed my family! For over 15yrs I’ve experienced some life-altering, health trials. These health trials have impacted every part of my life, to include what I eat! Stewardship in my kitchen looks quite different and has even spawned a ministry! If you are interested in delicious, nutrient-dense, healthful foods that are free of common allergens, take a look! You might just see something you like!
Where in the World Are You?
God in his sovereignty selects the times and places in which we all live! Be a part of highlighting where you first read “Ministering to Military Women: Biblical Help & Hope” or just record the state or country you are currently visiting our site from! It is truly encouraging to see where God has his people!